Friday, April 30, 2010

stupid effen yr 7 girl. I hate her guts SERIOUSLY

actually.. ALOT OF PEOPLE does. Maybe thats why she's bullied, because she's too straight forward which makes me really hate her, and thats already doing its job to 2 other senior groups, and our group to. HAH lol she should learn to control that mouth of her, how long has she been sitting with us? and she's already making stupid effen assumptions of group members. If she wanna stay, she better learn self control and that stupid mouth of her ==' She's not the only on have have issues, so I dont care that she's bullied (well actually i do but because its HER, well i can see why.) I got other problems in my life and other people have theirs, so if she decides to continue the way she is I'm not gonna sit there everyday listening to her stupid comments and stupid begs. PLUS her stupid begging have NOTHING to do with being bullied! CAN't she effen think because she opens that mouth? Bloody hell she thinks of herself ALL the time. PFFT she doesnt even think about other's fufilment! What.. does she think we never get hungry? Even if thats all the food "I" have, and I TELL her, she STILL FRICKEN ASKS FOR HER! and WTF she was a SANDWICH RIGHT THERE! If she's BLOODY hungry then BRING SOME MORE!! She has bloody no SHAME! MAKING AWFUL COMMENTS o about people, when they're right there!!! There's ALREADY THREE THINGS SHE SAID (one of them is disturbing..) but the OTHER two things EFFEN MAKES ME WANNA CHUCK STUFF IN HER FACE!

.. there's soo much more.. but i don't need to say much.. we all know what she's like. well she better change, if she doesn't change she better make friends and move off, cause if she doesn't and she stays, to hell with that. I'M. OUT. OF. THERE.

-no offence intended to those that do like her- =]
Megan got her baby!!

And guessed what.. we were watching a movie in biology.. and her baby started crying! HAHAH it was HILARIOUS! It cried twice, and the first time gave me a lil jump LOL.

Errrr.. To my group.. at lunch if you were wondering where I was.. I was at the art club with Angela and Sa.. so please don't persume stuff.. like.. yea. IF by any chance you wonder why I am, just take a look over at Sa's group. If either Angela or Sa isn't there, then persume im with them, otherwise I'd tell you where I'm going anyways, or I might be with Jollys group cause you guys aren't the only friends I have lol.

ANYWAYS.. I bought starsearch tickets.. and brought them home.. my granny saw them and asked.. I told her it was tickets to go see performances and since I'm a member my family wants to go see, and also because there's alot of other talented people, then she asks me how much was a ticket, and I said 10 dollars, and she said "No one would buy them, so why are you even selling" and I go.. "nooo.. Im not selling I BOUGHT them" then she calls me stupid and an idiot for doing so because its a waste of my money so im like "Umm.. mum and dad gave me the money to buy it.. " and she went quite. THen she goes "Well you're dumb to do that anyway its a waste of your money and time" So in my head im like WTF she's still blaming me!? plus there's NOTHING to blame!

SOooo.. I told her how it happens ever 2 years, and if mounties actually charged us to use their rooms it'll cost more (it would've costed the school $2000) and this was my last chance and the fact that there are many talented people. Then she goes on to ignore me (by then I was extremely pissed) and says that my school is stupid to do such things and waste their time. So i gave up and walked off into my room to change. Thats what I hate about my grandma.. she DOESNT CARE WHAT PEOPLE THINK OR SAY, its HER thoughts that matters and is always right. PFFT yeah right.. Now.. huh look at that.. she's offering to make my fav desert, and she keeps glancing at me so often. wth..

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Another Image On paint.

This one is hand free, except the border lol.
Mmm.. I was kinda bored so I went onto paint playing around.. I tried to blend colours together to look smoothe, it worked, looked AWESOME, but it took me around 2 hours to do a square = ='

This is a puppy I did on paint too. Tried blending brown on this.. took tooo long so I made it simple.. =]

This isn't hand free btw, I used the curvy thingos.

Forwarding from vee.

if yuo can raed tihs, you hvae a sgtrane mnid, too. Can you raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.

If you can read this it means ur brain works 50% faster than ppl who cant read it

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Star search here I come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gonna practice both songs until I know which one I made it into =] I hope that if its only one, its the group one with angela xD because she made it in too! but then she also has a solo one too so i dunno! lool. xD

Well.. first Hospo (My teacher calls it that too.. not Hospi) Prac is tomorrow!! omg.. if we're late we can't start it.. and we have to bring EVERYTHING. If we forgot one.. like.. our scarf.. then its.. NO COOKING!!

Well.. bio study now =='

Monday, April 26, 2010

oh errr.. i lost that kitten in rs.. i forgot to feed it and it ran away looking for food lol.

WELL.. this is my NEW pet.

His name is YipYap =]

He's an Airedale Terrier xD


Star Search is next month.. and I dunno if I made it in or not.. but I have to practice anyways! Not JUST practice.. I only learnt the parts I needed for the audition.. so I need to learn the rest of the song.. not to mention split the time up with studying and assignment.

Coming up this week:
Biology Prac examination (wow.. that last word makes it sound more scary..)
First Hospitality prac lesson!! (OMGOMGOMG can't wait!!)

Doing this week:
Studying for Bio. (Writing notes etc)
Starting and finishing Hospitality assessments #4, 5 and 6.
Get a feature article for AOS.

wooow.. thats ALOT.. and I have to keep up with maths.. I'm gonna try and fit maths in my everyday life.. at least 1-2hrs of math each day.. I've decided to stay.. because.. well.. if i did go to general.. and the class was like.. you know low? it would drag my marks down.. but if I stay on the other hand.. well yes it is an advantage.. but I may drag the class down myself.. i've talked to most of general kids.. and their class avg isn't.. so good.. so yea.. but I have to try harder now.. its my only chance.. plus.. if I suck at maths.. and im good at other subjects.. maybe in the future it can bring up or balance my atar.. well the thing i realised is.. i keep doing things for other people.. putting themselves before me.. so like if i had to chance to bring myself up but someone needs it to, i give it to them =] and im always so pessimistic.. so now im gonna try to be optimistic! i can do anything! but within my limits lol.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dreams.. .. again

I think I found someone I can talk to now. Everyone is an extremely important friend to me, but there is always one person above all else that is closest to my heart, and now I think there is another.. twice.. I've had dreams and she was there.. like a guide or something.. the first one.. it was when she accused me for something I didn't do, because whatever it was, was told from another person (which was a close friend of mine too..) and then it spreaded soo fast because apparently, I "did" something to her (which I didn't) and by the next minute I was left alone. I was so lonely.. and even the one true person of mine.. turned her back.. so.. i tried explaining.. a misunderstanding.. but no one listened, because they all hated me.. and then.. she was the first to listen.. i was so grateful.. for something different than accusing stares and ignorance.. soo, i started explaining, and for the first time, i didnt stammer.. i didn't say anything difference, and was able to word everything properly. So then me and that person went to my closest friend and tried persuading her too, and it worked.. 2 is better than 1.. and some other stuff happens..
When I woke up.. I thought of it as a dream.. but somehow this was really important.. since.. it's nearly as identical as the way things are now.

My second dream was just last night.. again that person was there, but because in my first dream she no longer accused me... she was like a guardian over me.. watching me wherever I went and what ever I do.. there was once, when I was about to do something bad.. and she was there, hiding in the shadows.. and somehow just one look at her I changed my decision.. I didn't do what I was about to do.

OVERALL.. usually a dream tells you what you've been thinking yea? well.. I guess its true then.. that "to me" that person is really important to me. Oh errr... i'll tell you who you are at school xD

Friday, April 23, 2010


Well there's nothing to post about atm sooo.. i'll post up a pic of my character for runescape.

This is.. Lil Poppiit lvl 76. These are my 2 cats lol. An overgrown one (very old) and a kitten (just bought)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ahhh vee is now my employee xD and im paying her 215k. HAHA yesh this is runescape. Profit for both.

Star Search

I finally had the guts to do audition for it..

SOo.. I went on and played the song Every Breath You Take by The Police. I was so scared.. it was hard to keep trembling.. but I played it through.. with ONE mistake! -sigh- still good =] I played a bit too soft though.. and when I tried to bring the dynamics up.. I accidently played too loud lol.

My second performance with Angela.. was AWESOME! Not ONE mistake at all =] and Angela sang beautifully. Like always.. teacher ends it and everyone claps when they think its finished but it wasnt lool. we still had the last part of the chorus and i ended the piano awkwardly lool.

Now.. i gotta go do hospitality and study for english.. gonna be a late night and early morning for me.. also meaning i have to have a biiig breakfast tomorrow so i dont fall asleep in class.


Monday, April 19, 2010


Jeeze they ALWAYS end up in living in my garden! And once they're there..  I can not stop feeding them.. i just feel so sorry for them.. there's like 5 kittens atm.. I haven't seen the mother so I don't really know if its the same cat that keeps giving birth (Named her Kitty.. LOL) and .. well I caught one yesterday.. my lil bro lured it out from the side of our garden-seek and it ran into my net lol.. so I held it on the skin of the back of its neck (like a mother would with her babies) and dropped it off far away.. this morning.. they're back lol. (the kitten i caught was lost btw.. not reunited)

Just then.. i heard sooo much meowing... and i went outside and heard it coming from INSIDE the garden-seek.. opened it up to find 2 kittens and a horrid stench.. they pooped in there.. unfortunately someone accidently closed the door with them exploring inside.. well im CERTAINLY not cleaning it.. nah uh no way =]

One of the one i caught was actually.. in there.. and i was meowing (yea.. making motherly cat noises) and it responded and it came right up to me.. which was when i noticed it lol.. I dont think it was that scared of me.. cause.. yea i freaked it out when i caught it.. but when i let it go i was patting it and scratching where cats like it best and making cooing sounds and feeding it kibbles.. which.. was a bad idea.. but when it comes to animals i cant help myself lol. =]

Hospitality.. and english.. not to mention I need to give all the info i find (for the research task) to a friend because her idiot retarted freak bro stole all her hosp. work and wont let her use the net =='

NO TUTOR NEXT MONDAY!! And i've started learning the new topic Real Functions.. which suppose to cover like in year 10? but i had no idea.. it was all new to me lol. like relation etc.. missed out so much in year 10 because my class used the excuse "i dont understand it" for not doing their homework so we kept repeating and ended up not finishing the syllabus.

WELL.. all new to me but so far so good.. i find it quite fun too lool.

Long weekend coming up.. and my dad plans to go out again.. a mini holiday.. like leave on friday and come back arvo of Monday.. when i was actually planning to spend time on Monday for hospitality and other assignments.. not to mention re-writing out all my bio work.. oh well.. i'll get there sometime..

Sunday, April 18, 2010

So true.. well it's facts anyways.. but the fact that my right brain is more dominant.. explains why i can't word my sentences right.. or the fact that I say things that doesn't really portray what I'm trying point out.. and people.. well.. ALOT OF PEOPLE.. misunderstand it which leads to arguments etc etc..

Friday, April 16, 2010

Just... expressing feelings to someone that doesnt read this lol


You're the most evil person I've ever known. I don't know how you can live with yourself, but now I know the truth! You can hide all you like, yea go and use that friendly mask to make her forgot and to make others like you. BUT I KNOW WHO YOU ARE! I KNOW THE REAL YOU! You selfish.. selfish .. GRRR I can't even swear at you because it's RUDE since I'm BELOW YOU! >:|

Don't ever go buy me petty gifts or buy HER STUFF. PFFTT. You talk behind her back when she's not there, saying negative stuff. You say you want to leave and go somewhere else!? THEN DO IT! Why do you keep saying it but you DON'T HUH!? What are you afraid of!?? I SWEAR MAN I don't know how you live, knowing what you've done, trying to make up for the past WHEN YOU FRIGGEN CAN'T! Your chance PAST! YOU LEFT HER, ABANDONED HER! ISOLATED HER! DISCRIMINATED HER! YOU'VE done the WORST a HUMAN BEING CAN POSSIBLY DO to SOMEONE THAT NEEDED SOMEONE IN THEIR TIME OF NEED! AND YOU DID NOTHING! YOU LEFT HER TO STRUGGLE AND FEND FOR HERSELF WHEN SHE HAD NOTHING!! AND NOW WHAT!? Now.. you try to repay her? You offer her things.. you buy her stuff.. and "OTHER" people buy and give her and her family presents.. WHEN THEY TOO DID EXACTLY WHAT YOU DID!? You're the WORST ROLE MODEL EVER! FEEL THE GUILT! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU TO YOUR SOUL! TO YOUR VERY EXISTENCE!!

NO WONDER WHY!! YOU TREAT ME SO DIFFERENTLY FROM MY BROTHERS! I KNOW WHY!!! The VERY FIRST TIME I WAS TOLD THE TRUTH.. my smiles.. NOT ONCE AFTERWARDS.. reached my eyes.. I DONT CARE IF YOU SEE IT, BUT MY SMILES ARE FAKE FOR YOU! AND I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU CAN STILL FACE HER LIKE THAT! after what you did.. you still face her.. treat her like you treat everyone else.. but i know.. i know you now.. and i will never forgot.. never... never..

Are you accident prone?


You scored fairly high in sensation-seeking. Sensation-seeking can take the form of loving art or music, or seeking new experiences like traveling to a new place. It can also mean taking risks because doing so releases adrenaline and makes your day more exciting. A sensation-seeking person is one who yearns to experience new, intense, and varied situation. Such an individual often takes risks and is more easily bored than someone who lacks the sensation-seeking urge. In certain jobs and in some situations, sensation-seekers are an asset. They thrive on stress and action. Overall, high sensation-seeking in not necessarily a liability as long as it's balanced out by a sense of responsibility and conscientiousness. In your case, you may seek out new experiences and get bored when bogged down by routine tasks. Your score was not at the highest end of the spectrum, so your behavior is likely not extreme. In general, you are more likely than low sensation-seekers to take risks for the sake of an adrenaline rush.

Link: [there are many other choices.. and the quizes are.. long lol)

The Staircase test

Haha.. i like i like =]

In life, you will never lose your inner child.

People are most likely to find you bouncing off the walls, your energy is almost never ending. You see life as a game - having fun at any chance you can. Your friends look to you to be the life of the party and you know how to entertain! People are drawn to your warmth and ability to provide a distraction to their problems. Don't let your ability to trust too easily give others the chance to take advantage of your good nature. Also, take time to look before you leap, sometimes it is easy for you to say things without thinking.

my dad came home from the x-ray place.. and the news was..

He has to have an operation..

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Speed Stacking

Remember year 9 camp? One of the activities was speed stacking. I remember my first time.. incredibly sucked at it.. but then to my surprise I was a quick learner.. and soon I was one of the fastest in the group =]

As everyone knows.. Mrs Tyra was the fastest one there.. and when we paired up for the final contest.. it was very sad that I had her right on second. The first round i remember i was with libby.. and my nerves failed me and i lost.. but libby went on ahead and gave me her winning spot to the next round.. and the opponent was the teacher.. again my nerves failed me lool..

yea.. i still remember it.. and i still want those set.. maybe my brother can buy it for me online.. but i dont think my dad will allow.. unless they sell it here? which.. i dont think so.. i dunno.. going movies on Thursday to watch Alice in Wonderland 3D with my friends.. i wonder if they sell if there.. ..

If anyone doesn't remember what speed stacking is.. its just like a regular plastic cups with 3 holes at the bottom to allow air to fast.. and to all it to quickly stack =]

Oh.. and usually its really young kids that are at the record lol.. here's a vid.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Personality Test

Like Linda and Kitty.. I also gave it a try.. and to my amazement it's pretty much accurate =]

Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.

Your views on education
You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.

The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:
Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.

What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.

Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Here's the link if you wanna give it a try.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Ok my animes are slowly increasing.. and so far.. I only have..

Black Cat
Darker Than Black : Season 1
Darker Than Black : Season 2
Full Metal Alchemist
Full Metal Alchemist : The Conqueror of Stamballa
Gakuen Alice
La Corda D'oro -Primo Passo-
Ouran High School Host Club
Ponyo On The Cliff By The Sea
Soul Eater

and.. I'm getting Death Note.. and also many months later.. Darker Than Black : Season 3 (?) , X (Sa's interested in this so I have a partner downloading this) , Mushishi, Rental Magica, Ayakashi and Ghost Hound.. (That's when I have fast net)
-sigh- I was JUST about to buy a digital piano.. not the one i wanted but it was good enough.. but dad said NO. He doesn't want me to get second hand stuff..

WELL.. I've already started nearly every one of my assignments.. I wanna try finishing Hospitality.. I also gotta re-do all of Biology.. I think kelly has my book.. i dunno.. too late though I bought a new exercise book and re-doing everything. Catching up on pe is good.. but my hands dead. I'm copying kitty.. keeping PE as folder + loose leaf papers. Its too hard to study for eng.. im not sure what to study.. gonna ask Linda about that.. after i get everything else done..

My arm kills.. I'm trying to get up at 6am and exercising.. but that means I gotta eat heaps more.. soo.. im trying to eat rice with something for breakfast.. so.. summing it all up.. 4 meals a day.. all with rice&unknown.. and snacks of course =]

Monday, April 5, 2010


The Kitchen

Dining Table

Lounge (Mattress: Rogers sleeping area) 

Bedrooms (Left: Grandma and Me, Right: mum and dad, Couch: Andy)

The lake and yard

The Two Kangaroos [All Kangaroo pics taken by Andy]

Sunday (Last Day)

Early in the morning.. at 6:30am.. I fed 6 Kangaroos!!! They were literally pulling and holding onto for the asian cake lool.. but it was awesome.. sadly I didn't take photos of these 6 =] It was better today.. the weather so we went boat fishing again ($80 for 4hrs) and the first fish i caught was a baby snapper.. around.. 6cms? too small.. but my dad kept it for the net bait. I got stung previously by something in the boat.. my finger was swollen and my vein was popping out lol. Caught a HUGE leather jacket! My biggest fish ever! Even though it was incredibly ugly.. it was still awesome.. knowing that I learnt how to use a fishing rod the day before =) My dad.. omg.. he fed us this day.. his catch.. was the BEST EVER!! Simultaneously catching Breams 20-30cms long!!

Started sprinkling so.. we went to get our nets.. with 2 leather jackets! (male and female) [oh yea.. i caught a male leather jacket] but then it stopped.. so went back to fishing.. well.. most of the day was fishing.. so.. yea thats about it.. unless you want to know about the kangaroos.. whilst i was feeding them.. they ate, pooped and pee continuously! there was poop... EVERYWHERE!

Dinner was fish.. so sick of them.. but thank god! My aunt had beef.. omg omg it was lovely!! (part raw in middle.. mmm delicious!)


8:30 in the morning.. I fed and played with two Kangaroos! My dad was drinking coffee in the morning.. and the just jumped onto the platform and stared at him! He was eating this yummy asian cake (lol) and he gave some to them.. and they ate it! And I came out and fed them too! it was sooo fun!! We went boat fishing for a lil while.. Roger caught a big fish! about 25-30cms! But then it looked so poisonous so we let it go lol. I caught alot too.. average sizes and small ones too.. then it started to fog up on the other side.. so we ran for it lol. Got soaking wet.. drenched.. and I'm still sick.. my dad bought a crab net and let it go down the dock.. we came back for it.. and there was TWO breams and a leather jacket! (Oh yea.. that poisonous looking fish was a leather jacket after all.. what a waste lol) Took them in and left them.

At night.. uncle went out again.. and we got an octopus!! OMG it was AWESOME!!!! I touched the tentacles and it help on and when i yanked it out.. POP!! HAHAHA it was sooo fun! Then my dad left it on the grass.. and then he took a knife and cut half its head of and it went limp =] well that was all for that day.. i slept alot too.. cause it was raining heaps.. and i was sick.. the boys went out again.. at least that night and night before it was me that fed two families with fish lol =]


Such a beautiful morning!! The lake was soo.. stunning! and the sight of nature... ahhh.. picture time! (I didn't take much pics after this lol)

I went.. STICK fishing!! Its just a stick.. with fish wire and the hook and a floatie fish indicator thingymabob.. and a sinker.. and with that.. i caught.. 7 fishies! However.. all was edible.. and one that i caught was sooo ugly.. found out later it was a baby leather jacket.. (this was at night)

Today.. I went canoeing!! It was totally awesome!! I took turns with my brother and cousin.. Roger soaked me wet.. sad .. cause I was having what all girls have during that time.. and i was wearing white shorts.. but it was going away.. anyways.. swapped with my cousin.. roger went out.. cousin ben steered and i was at the front.. i was a bit frustrated but he wasn't a quick learner lol.. we were going nowhere for a while.. not going in the direction we wanted.. when we wanted to go home.. omg.. it took literally FOREVER! Plus i was doing most of the work and he was just sitting there rest.. omg.. i paddled non stop!

SOo.. after this we had a lovely dinner, nice campfire.. then we saw kangaroos! (My lil cousin kept chasing it lol) There were possums and many many dogs! (from the other places)

The First Night

Stupid Me.. I forgot to bring a jacket and paper.. soo all the interesting stuff that happened.. i wrote on tissue :)

The Lodge
Had a big dinner with cousins, played cards, explored, saw an eel in the lake! Also had like something like a campfire in the night.. omg it was so warm and beautiful.. but then it needed more wood.. so i went looking.. then next to the lake was a tree.. and i saw a massive loose bark.. so i took it and ran towards the dying fire.. but as i neared it.. i had light.. and i looked at what i was holding.. and instantly dropped it! It was.. not a huge bark .. but.. t was the head and bones of a "flathead" fish.. ughhhh... it was disgusting!! (dried fish).

It's 1:05am and my brother, dad and uncle went out to have a go at night fishing. The lodge.. is a bit yucky at first.. the beds had some dirt or blacky stuff on it.

I'll tell you about my holiday when I'm finished putting stuff back and after i pick up Cookie =]

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Well this is the last post im going to post until next Monday. Today right after school, I'm going away with family and cousins. I thought it was yanora..  or something.. but it was laguna  or something lol.

So well... i got nothing to post actually..  except that this WAS the post.. Have a fun holidays and Happy Easter!! =]