I caught 2 mice! xD
The Adult Male : Caught by my awesome method.. the old rice sack.. leave a few holes.. and when we hear them.. block the hole! Use a glove and pick them out. I couldn't do that though lol.. my dad picks them out with his hands.. i use gloves.. then stick a take-away in and the mouse thinks its an exit lol, and the other end has the lid on hehe then slid it out and rest of lid slips on. it was bbiigg.. i was about to grab it out but i felt its size and retought.. scared it might bite my lol
The Baby Mouse : 4 was trapped in one of first tank cupboards. 3 died one survived (ate each other for survival) I come back.. urrgg.. the stench.. by then the lil one was so weak.. it was trying to each through the door.. i opened the door and grabbed it.. wearing gloves of course.. then I was holding it around the house (LOL) until my dad came.. he took them off me.. (by turning gloves outside-in method) and he went outside and slammed it on the ground.. I usually do the catching.. sometimes my dad does it too.. but i never kill.. my dad kills for me..
So far.. as a team of 2 professional mouse catchers in my family =] we caught around.. say.. 30? and there's still more..
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