2nd last carnival completed. I did my best. Good results XD
One of the important things -> I participated in the group photo, which i'd never do.. but i dunno why i just felt like i wanted to for some..
SO today, I came first for the 100m. But I was lucky that I didn't have the fast ppl versing me lol. I came 2nd for javelin =] It went 16.something metres! XD 1'st place was a yr 12. 3rd was Natasha Grima! =D I entered the 400m and camed 8th out of 9 ppl and I got my house 3 points :) I did discus and I dunno how many points I got for my house, but at least I tried cause I failed LOL. Umm sack race with yr 11 and 12 I came 2nd, the umm flag race i think its called, where the teacher kicks the football, and one person from each house tries to get it, whoever does stays for finals. SO, I RAN after it, caught the ball, did a rolly polly to get up, turned around.. and SMASH. 5 other people smashed into me, Pamela went for the dived, they all tackled me. GOD I was shocked and in my head i was saying "oh crap what the hell" sooo... I got tackled backwards, fell and hit my head on the ground, they were still trying to get the ball and someone tried jumping on me, I got a bruise on my arse. I rolled up into a ball, with the football tucked between my body and they gave up except 1 lol, but I still made it so i let it go. Gosh i was covered in grass. Ummm... Long jump .. my furthest was 3.18 -sigh- I was the smalled so.. smallest legs lol. Rowie.. OMG she got 4.8 - 4.9m!! crap man.. and she was soooo tall it was amazing when you see her jump!
SO.. mm yeaa... In the car I felt like vomiting, my head throbs since after the fall, tried to get some sleep at the carnival.. dozed off a few times.. nearly vomited in the car.. went home and slept.. now i wake up with a massive migrane and i feel so sick and dizzy.. and I cant sleep on my right side because of my butt-bruise! why cant it be on the left! -cries-
OVERALL. Great Day =] Roger and Andy also had sport carnival lol.
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