Approximately 130,000 dogs and 60,000 cats are killed at pounds every year. Unbelievable, eh?
Want to support this? Go buy pets at the pet shop.
How can this be? Google it lol. If you want me to explain I'll go on forever.
BTW. People that breed their pets just for fun because they want puppies, are supporting the deaths of hundred of thousands of cats or dogs every year. YES THATS RIGHT. You get 6 puppies, you kill 6.
IMAGINE IT. Your dog gets pregnant, (or makes one get pregnant) She gives birth to 4 pups. Those pups grow up, 2 of them are female, they get pregnant, more pups, then THOSE grow up etc etc. Not just that, but can you guarantee that all those pups will go to good homes? Can you be sure that they'll stay there? Because that can never happen all the time. Your pups might go to your friends or their friends, but then they might not be up to it when they actually experience the difficulty of owning one. So what do they do? Give them away (same thing might happen) or dump it of somewhere and eventually, some will end up at the shelters, awaiting death sentences.
Want a dog? RESEARCH ABOUT THEM. Do you have the time? The love? The patients? The facility? If yes, then go get one at a professional dog breeder, or rescue one from the shelter/pound. You can get one from common breeders. These people are not those that breed once or twice. Common breeders in other words, would be those that devote part of their life to breeding healthy puppies and providing adequate or excellent care.
Last thing lol. DONT ever get fooled by the cute puppies or kittens in that glass window. They're there to attract you. Yea go ahead take a look, a few awwwws here and there, but NEVER EVER BUY ONE. Want to see proof of pet shop care? Just look at the bird section. See the budgies? Around 10-20 are kept in that tiny cage. Same with the parrots. How long do you think they live in there until someone gets them? Think bout it lol
XD Just posting this since Danny and I was having a chat bout small hypoallergenic dogs :)