Tuesday, October 12, 2010

English Assignment

So.. I've finished reading my book for english >.< What have I chose? For the print text, I choise "On The Jellicoe Road" It's something I read before back in year 10. I was a dedicated bookworm back then so I was allowed to read senior fiction whilst being a junior. Just.. not books with explicit language or imagery or.. things like that LOL though I doubt the school has it =P For the picture book, I'm going with "The Lost Thing" bu Shaun Tan. In year 10 we've read "The Red Tree" by same author, and boy that was a deeeeep book, and I've looked this one up and its by far the best, and its perfect for belonging ^^. And.. Sydney Morning Herald? I don't even read the newspapers lol.. and I don't want to buy one for one article.. so.. I think I'll have a look at some of Kitty's collection (If you haven't chucked all of them lol) And that's pretty much it. I ordered the picture book online :) Shall have it in a week or two.. so I'll start analysing the book soon then. First I should re-read it AGAIN (I don't mind lol) then jot down some quotes. =]

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