Thursday, February 18, 2010

Ahhh went swimming this morning with Kitty =] My mum took me so i was able to go Prairewood. My dad would've taken me to Fairfield =]

Think i pushed myself too much today, cause i was dizzy in the showers and my feet "nearly" couldn't support me. In the car i couldn't support my head, So i was constantly trying to find a comfy spot. Came home and instantly sat in the grass because i thought i was going to vomit. Sooo you know when you're about to vomit and you can feel it coming up? Yea that happened twice one after the other.. but it didnt come out.. which made me SUPER dizzy so i sat down on the ground with my head between my legs. Cookie was sitting next to me whining =]

Rockclimbing was goood.. although i think i tried too much (bouldering only) I clipped a lil of fingernail, and i nearly got my skin torn off again. wweeell.. not much happening after that. Went home and slept till.. 8:30?

Roger's sick.. very very sick..

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